Closing the Cloud Standards Coordination Phase 2
Cloud Standards in the Digital Single Market
January 28, 2016
The results of CSC phase 2 have been presented and future activities discussed during an open and interactive meeting with the Cloud Computing community.
Agenda and presentations here.
The Final CSC phase 2 Reports are Available
users’ needs
Open Source
All reports are now in final version 2.1.1 (after alignment with ETSI drafting rules)
Their content is identical to the version 2.0.0 published on November 15, 2015
Cloud Standards Coordination
In December 2012, the European Commission (EC) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) launched the Cloud Standardization Coordination (CSC) initiative.

Why: the overall objective of the Cloud Standards Coordination initiative led by ETSI was to identify a detailed map of the standards required to support a series of policy objectives defined by the European Commission, in particular in critical areas such as security, interoperability, data portability and reversibility.
Who: the initiative attracted cloud industry players, public authorities, user associations and more than 20 standards setting organizations to work collectively on this objective.
Phase 1: after a launch workshop in December 2012, the work of CSC Phase 1 was undertaken in 2013, with a final report report published in November and a presentation workshop held in December 2013.
Phase 2: in February 2015, CSC Phase 2 has been launched to address issues left open after CSC Phase 1, with the publication of four reports by mid-November 2015 and a final presentation on January 28, 2016.